Jarosław Gowin, leader of the Agreement and member of the government resigned following the decision of the government to hold the Presidential Elections despite the epidemic.

Photo: by Piotr Drabik – Wikipedia

Jarosław Gowin, leader of Agreement (Porozumienie), a conservative and liberal-conservative political party since 2017, and ministry of  Minister of Science and Higher Education, resigned today in protest at plan to let the election take place May 10th despite the COVID-19 epidemic. 

This afternoon Law and Justice (PIS) fail in a vote allowing a 100% postal election. The opposition voted against it and 3 members of the PIS made the same. The vote resulted in a 228 for, 228 against…  

Before that, Gowin announced Friday that it was impossible to hold the elections in May because of the epidemic situation. He proposed to delay the elections by 2 years and announced that he will not vote for the postal vote. 

The presidential election scheduled for May 10th is not supported by the opposition but also by a large majority of the public from 60% to 72% according to several polls for RMF, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna or Rzeczpospolita. Despite that, the PIS still wants to hold the elections in May. 

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